Planning of the Investigation of Criminal Offenses in the Investigation Organization System: Tactical and Psychological Aspect

  • Tetiana LELIUK

    Doctor of Philosophy in Law, Doctoral Student of the Department of Forensics and Forensic Medicine of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

    Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. The investigation of criminal offenses, like all criminal proceedings, is characterized by an organizational, planning principle. The purpose of the article is to highlight the tactical and psychological aspects of planning the investigation of criminal offenses in the system of investigation organization. The basis of the methodological toolkit is general scientific and special methods, which are means of scientific research, as well as scientific works of foreign and domestic authors who directly or indirectly carried out research on issues related to the definition of the concept and content of investigation planning in the system of organizing the investigation of criminal offenses, its tactical psychological foundations. Scientific views on the concept of "planning" and its main features are systematized. The main principles of planning the investigation of criminal offenses are highlighted. It was established that the use of the principle of interaction is essential when drawing up an investigation plan. The levels of investigation planning are classified according to the territorial principle. The importance of using the skills and knowledge of psychology by the investigator (detective, inquirer) in the process of planning the investigation is emphasized, since his effectiveness will be influenced by professional and creative skills, which will constitute a set of tactical and psychological principles. The scientific novelty consists in characterizing and distinguishing the tactical and psychological principles of investigation planning, which are a set of techniques based on knowledge of forensic tactics and the psychology of investigative activity, which are used in the process of planning the investigation of criminal offenses.


Keywords: investigation organization; planning; investigation plan; forensic tactics; psychology; tactical and psychological principles; investigator; inquirer; detective.


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Author Biography

Tetiana LELIUK

Doctor of Philosophy in Law, Doctoral Student of the Department of Forensics and Forensic Medicine of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

Kyiv, Ukraine


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