Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy as a Direction in the Correction of Behavioral Deviations

  • Yаroslav HALYCH

    Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Head of the Department of Borderline States
    of the Psychiatric Clinic (with Wards for Drug Addiction Patients) of the National Military Medical Clinical Center "Main Military Clinical Hospital"

    Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to study the scientific study of the peculiarities of the psychotherapeutic direction in working with individuals who have deviant and delinquent manifestations. Methodology. The scientific concepts of conducting psychotherapeutic interventions formed the methodological basis of the article. The methodological toolkit was chosen in accordance with the outlined goal, specifics of the object and subject of research. The main types and features of the manifestation of behavioral deviations are considered, among which delinquent and addictive behavior is defined. Among the main goals of psychotherapy are functional behavioral analysis, changing self-concepts, correcting maladaptive forms of behavior and irrational attitudes, and developing competence in social functioning. The most common methods of psychotherapy covering all three planes of change at the cognitive, emotional and behavioral levels are characterized. The components of psychotherapy are outlined, such as diagnosis and assessment, development of an individualized plan of interventions, psychotherapy sessions, development of constructive skills, support and control. The essence of the main conceptual provisions of behavioral psychotherapy is analyzed. Different approaches to the psychotherapy of deviant behavior are considered and described, and the choice of a specific method depending on the type of behavioral disorder, individual characteristics of the personality and other factors. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the systematization and generalization of the results of research devoted to the study of the possibilities of introducing a psychotherapeutic direction, namely cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, in working with individuals who have deviant and delinquent manifestations. Conclusions. It has been established that conducting psychotherapy sessions in the direction of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy contributes to the readaptation of persons with deviations.


Keywords: psychotherapy; deviation; resocialization; deviant behavior; delinquent behavior.



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Author Biography

Yаroslav HALYCH

Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Head of the Department of Borderline States
of the Psychiatric Clinic (with Wards for Drug Addiction Patients) of the National Military Medical Clinical Center "Main Military Clinical Hospital"

Kyiv, Ukraine


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