Features of Gender-Based Interaction of Police Officers in the Professional Environment


Abstract. Achieving gender equality is impossible without harmonizing gender relations at the level of groups and at the level of interpersonal relations. The police, demonstrating positive masculinity, will play a significant role in transforming gender stereotypes, building equal relationships in the professional environment. The purpose of the study is to study the characteristics of the gender-based interaction of police officers with male and female colleagues. The methodological basis of the research is a gender approach, focused on the implementation of the idea of equality of people regardless of their gender, and gender theory, according to which "natural" differences between the sexes have a social basis, not a biological one. Achieving the goal of the research was facilitated by the use of the structural-logical method, methods of empirical psychological research (testing), comparative analysis. The empirical basis of the study was the results of a psychodiagnostic study of police officers of the National Police of Ukraine (n=150). The scientific novelty of the publication is that it describes the specifics of gender interaction of police officers depending on their gender identity. It was established that police officers use mainly constructive strategies and partner types of gender interaction. At the same time, the behavioral patterns of gender interaction of police officers with male and female colleagues differ. Business and interpersonal relationships of female police officers with colleagues tend to be non-competitive. Male police officers with a feminine gender identity and female police officers with a masculine gender identity choose formal-role interpersonal communication with colleagues of their gender. Partner-professional and partner-social types of interaction are most pronounced in police officers with androgynous gender identity, and conflict is moderately pronounced. The necessity of professional and psychological training of police officers aimed at intensifying and deepening partner-professional interaction between homogeneous and heterogeneous groups, support of formed partner-social gender interaction of police officers with different gender identities was determined.


Keywords: police officers; gender relations; gender identity.


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Author Biography


Postgraduate Student of the Department of Legal Psychology
of the National Academy of Internal Affairs 

Kyiv, Ukraine 


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