The Guilt of the Accused in the Commission of a Corruption Criminal Offense Related to the Receipt of an illegal Benefit, the form of Guilt, Motive and Purpose as Determining Circumstances that Must Be Proven in Criminal Proceedings
Abstract. The scientific article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the guilt of the accused in the commission of a corruption criminal offense related to the receipt of an illegal benefit, guilt, motive and purpose as determining circumstances that must be proven in such criminal proceedings. The study highlights the main directions of modern scientific research and elaborates a number of scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of criminal law, criminal process, criminology and legal psychology. The relevance of such research corresponds to the lack of scientific development of the outlined issues and the need for further scientific investigations. After all, the definition of the list of specific circumstances to be established during the pre-trial investigation of corruption criminal offenses has not only scientific, but also practical significance for the prosecution to effectively achieve the tasks of criminal proceedings. The practical aspect also consists in the fact that such activity will not only ensure the completeness and objectivity of the investigation of the very event of a criminal offense, establishing the guilt of a person, but is the basis of a pre-trial investigation in general. The main results of the research and scientific novelty are the justification that the study of the nature, psychological and legal significance of the intention, motives and purpose of committing the specified category of criminal offenses not only contributes to the complete and objective establishment of all factual circumstances during the pre-trial investigation, but is also a guarantee of effective proving guilt, providing proper, correct legal qualifications and distinguishing related components of criminal offenses, ensuring further individualization of punishment by the court. Taking into account the specificity of the subject and the purpose of the research, the methodological toolkit in the scientific article is represented by a system of philosophical, general scientific and special methods to ensure a comprehensive study of the subject of research and the formation of author's conclusions on this basis.
Keywords: corruption criminal offenses; investigation; proving; circumstances to be proven; guilt, form of guilt, motive, purpose; psychological characteristics of the subjective side.
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