Conducting Investigative (Detective) Actions with the Participation of Minor Victims with Disabilities: Organizational, Tactical and Psychological Principles


Abstract. The study of statistical data on the dynamics of criminal offenses committed against minor victims with disabilities of psychophysical development demonstrated their quantitative growth. First of all, this is due to the fact that minor victims with disabilities of psychophysical development are characterized by victimhood. The conditions of martial law, overcoming the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation, have negative consequences, but the war has a detrimental effect on the physical, psychological and mental health of children. Peculiarities of the investigation, tactics of investigative (search) actions related to the pathological condition of such children, who, if present, have a disability, were not the subject of scientific research, which determined its relevance. The purpose of the article is to reveal the content of investigative (research) actions with the participation of minor victims with disabilities of psychophysical development in accordance with organizational, tactical and psychological principles. The research used the process of both general scientific and special legal methods: comparative legal, system-structural, and the method of system analysis. In order to cover the issues in detail, a view on the structure of the tactics of investigative (search) actions was chosen as the basis according to the stages: preparation; carrying out; recording of progress and results, their evaluation. accordingly, the organizational-tactical and psychological measures of conducting investigative (search) actions at each of the stages are revealed. The importance of the interaction of the investigator with other subjects during the implementation of the assigned tasks is demonstrated. To increase the effectiveness of practical activities, to improve the formation of theoretical and practical recommendations in the context of the fact that the joint activity of the investigator with other subjects during investigative (search) actions involving minor victims with disabilities of psychophysical development has legal consolidation, which is reflected in a general form. interaction (implemented with information, reference transmission for collecting and transmitting information), as well as in a special form of interaction (during which the next party provides letters and oral instructions, instructions to other subjects, procedural decisions in criminal proceedings), as well as in a non-procedural form interaction, within which organizational-tactical, psychological and managerial tasks are provided.


Keywords: pretrial investigation; human rights and freedoms; tactical technique; criminal offense; specialist; psychologist; doctor; forensic medical expert.


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Author Biographies

Anastasiіa SUVOROVA

Researcher of the Department of Criminology
and Forensic Medicine of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Kyiv, Ukraine


Doctor of Law, Professor,
Professor of the Department of Criminalistics and Forensic Medicine
of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Kyiv, Ukraine


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