Organizational and Methodological Principles of Providing Psychological Assistance to Combatants


Abstract. The relevance of the study is due to the need to intensify psychological assistance to the participants in hostilities. The purpose of this article is to define the organizational and methodological principles of providing psychological assistance to combatants. The methodology of problem analysis was formed by the general theory of transformation of personal changes in crisis conditions, which is based on both differentiation and integration of existing knowledge in various fields, as well as psychotherapeutic concepts of influence on personality. Research methods: analysis and generalization of the results of applied research in the field of providing psychological assistance to combatants. The foreign and domestic experience of studying the psycho-emotional states of the individual under the influence of psychotrauma in the conditions of martial law is analyzed. The advantages of the integrative approach in the system of methods of psychological assistance to combatants have been determined. The task of psychotherapeutic influence on the personality of a combatant participant is outlined, focusing on three components of self-awareness: self-understanding (cognitive aspect), self-attitude (emotional aspect) and self-regulation (behavioral aspect). The need for a combination of individual and group forms of psychotherapeutic influence is substantiated, highlighting the role of the main factors: the universality of problems; psychoeducation; self-disclosure; acceptance; catharsis; motivation for altruism; providing feedback; corrective emotional experience; formation of group cohesion. He main stages of the application of Frank Puselik's method as one of the most effective methods of psychological assistance to combatants are described. The general strategy of psychological assistance to combatants is defined, which consists in separating the personality from traumatic events by transforming the experience into memories, finding its constructive content. The interpretation of personal changes as a mechanism of intersystemic transition to a new identity combining positive and negative sides is presented. The practical significance is represented by the definition of forms and methods of psychological assistance to combatants.


Keywords: psychotrauma; post-traumatic stress disorder; personality transformations; integrative approach; factors of psychotherapeutic action.


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Author Biography


Doctor of Psychology, Professor,
Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy
of Internal Affairs
Kyiv, Ukraine


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