Personal Conducting Factors Tendencies to Victim Behavior


Abstract. The article examines the results of an empirical study of personal factors that determine a person's propensity for victim behavior. The relevance of the article is determined by the demand for research aimed at studying the prerequisites for the development of various types of victimization and personal factors. According to the results of the correlation analysis, it was established for the first time that a person's propensity to manifest a certain type of victimization increases in the presence of such personal characteristics as: 1) irritability, neuroticism, openness, extraversion – characteristic of an aggressive type of victimization; 2) depression, openness – for an active type of victimization; 3) emotional lability, neuroticism, increased spontaneous aggressiveness, shyness, closedness, reduced reactivity, aggressiveness, femininity – for the proactive type of victimization; 4) equanimity, depression, introversion, reduced irritability, closedness – characteristic of a passive type of victimhood; 5) masculinity, reduced depression, spontaneous aggressiveness, irritability, shyness, reactive aggressiveness – for a non-critical type of victimization; 6) spontaneous aggressiveness, masculinity, irritability, emotional lability, neuroticism, shyness – for the realized type of victimhood. Psychological "portraits" of persons with maximum and minimum propensity for victim behavior have been established. It is emphasized that the probability of a certain type of victimization decreases with such psychological characteristics as: reduced neuroticism, reduced irritability, reduced depressiveness, emotional stability. For the prevention and correction of victim behavior, it is proposed to carry out individual and group psychocorrection using methods of regression psychotherapy, Gestalt therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, training technologies, etc.


Keywords: personality; victimization; behavior; causes of victimization; type of victimization.


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Author Biographies


PhD in Psychology,
Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology of the National University «Odessa
Law Academy», Odessa, Ukraine


Doctor of Laws, Professor,
Headthe of the Department of Psychology of the National University «Odessa Law
Odessa, Ukraine


Teacher of the National University «Odessa Law Academy»
Odessa, Ukraine


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