Theoretical and Methodological Basis for Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Psychologist (Comparative Analysis)


    PhD in Law, Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory on Psychological Support
    and Psychophysiological Research of the Educational and Scientific Institute
    of Correspondence and Distance Learning of the National Academy
    of Internal Affairs
    Kyiv, Ukraine
  • ANDROSIUK Viacheslav

    PhD in Psychology, Professor, Leading Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory
    on Problems of Psychological Support and Psychophysiological Research of Educational
    and Scientific Institute of Correspondence and Distance Learning of the National
    Academy of Internal Affairs
    Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. The problem of evaluating the effectiveness of personnel has always been relevant. Today, the question of determining the effectiveness of psychologists in the field of security and defense of Ukraine arises. However, the lack of clear criteria by which to evaluate and determine the effectiveness of a psychologist, in particular, a psychologist in the field of security and defense, does not allow this. The purpose of the article is to study and analyze various theoretical and methodological approaches to determining the effectiveness of a psychologist, to determine the place of qualifications and competence in assessing the effectiveness of a psychologist, to outline the basis for developing criteria for the effectiveness of professional activities of psychologists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine under martial law. Methodology - general theory of professional activity, competence approach to assessing the professionalism of the performer. Scientific novelty. The article highlights theoretical approaches to the problem of determining the effectiveness of professional activity. The essence of the concepts of efficiency, productivity and effectiveness of labor is considered. Particular attention is paid to the views of domestic and foreign experts on understanding the effectiveness of a psychologist. Conclusions. It has been determined that the effectiveness of a psychologist’s activity is interrelated with his/her personal and professionally important qualities; it may depend on the professional direction; specificity of the type of activity; qualification requirements; job responsibilities; regulatory documents governing the activity of a psychologist, etc. An integral part of the effectiveness of a psychologist’s activity is his or her compliance with ethical and moral standards, leading professional motivational trends. It has been established that the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of a psychologist’s activities are diverse and are divided into objective and subjective. Evaluation of a psychologist’s performance includes external evaluation by management and colleagues, as well as internal self-evaluation. Prospect for further research is the development of criteria for the effectiveness of the professional activity of psychologists of the MIA of Ukraine in martial law.


Keywords: efficiency; productivity; effectiveness; professionally important qualities; evaluation criteria; psychologist.


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Author Biographies


PhD in Law, Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory on Psychological Support
and Psychophysiological Research of the Educational and Scientific Institute
of Correspondence and Distance Learning of the National Academy
of Internal Affairs
Kyiv, Ukraine

ANDROSIUK Viacheslav

PhD in Psychology, Professor, Leading Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory
on Problems of Psychological Support and Psychophysiological Research of Educational
and Scientific Institute of Correspondence and Distance Learning of the National
Academy of Internal Affairs
Kyiv, Ukraine


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