Forensic and Psychological Features of a Person who Commits Criminal Offenses in the Field of Economic Activity Related to Forgery of Documents


Abstract. The scientific article examines the forensic and psychological features of a person who commits criminal offenses in the field of economic activity related to the forgery of documents. The defining element of the forensic characterization of criminal offenses in the field of economic activity related to the forgery of documents is the person who commits such criminal offenses, information about which reveals the peculiarities of the method and mechanism of committing criminal offenses in the field of economic activity. The purpose of the article is to characterize a person who commits criminal offenses in the field of economic activity related to the forgery of documents in the context of forensic and psychological characteristics. In the research process, both general scientific and special legal methods were used: comparative legal, systemic structural, and the method of systemic analysis. It was found that characterizing the typical features of the forensic and psychological characteristics of such a person who commits criminal offenses in the field of economic activity, related to the forgery of documents, should be carried out on the basis of the classification of such criminal offenses, in particular, taking into account the method of document forgery, the type of document, the field economic activity in which a person commits illegal actions. Categories of persons who commit such criminal offenses are distinguished based on the type of document that is the subject of production or modification. A typical portrait of a criminal (offender), who commits criminal offenses in the field of economic activity, related to the forgery of documents, based on the study of their forensic and psychological features, was formed.


Keywords: investigation method; forensic characteristics; identity of the criminal; economic activity; forgery of documents; psychological characteristics.


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Author Biography

Vitalii HAHACH

PhD in Law,
Doctoral Student of the Research Institute of Public Law
Kyiv, Ukraine


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