Conducting Investigative (Search) Actions by Investigators: Criminalistic and Psychological Characteristics


Abstract. Criminalistics and psychology are applied sciences whose theoretical knowledge helps combat crime. Investigative (search) actions serve as one of the tools in crime prevention, characterized not only by criminal procedural components (enshrined in the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine) but also by criminalistic and psychological aspects. The interconnection of these components assists investigators in forming a proper evidentiary base in criminal proceedings. The aim of this scientific article is to highlight the criminalistic and psychological characteristics of investigative (search) actions conducted by investigators. The chosen methodological toolkit aligns with the specified goal and the specifics of the object and subject of the research. The article utilizes a complex set of principles and methods of scientific cognition, including analysis, synthesis, comparison, deductive method, etc. The scientific novelty of the article lies in illuminating the criminalistic and psychological characteristics, taking into account the contemporary development conditions of criminalistics and psychology during the conduct of investigative (search) actions by investigators. It also identifies the features expressed in the interconnection of these aspects. Examples of implementing criminalistic and psychological aspects during the investigator's conduct of investigative (search) actions such as crime scene inspection, search, and interrogation are provided. It is established that the criminalistic aspect of conducting investigative (search) actions involves applying knowledge from criminalistic science during the performance of these procedural actions by investigators, while the psychological aspect involves applying knowledge from psychology during the conduct of such investigative activities by investigators. It is proven that the criminalistic and psychological aspects of investigative (search) actions are always interrelated, as they contribute to obtaining criminally significant information during the performance of a specific type of procedural action (micro-level) and are generally aimed at establishing all circumstances of criminal proceedings (macro-level). Neglecting these aspects by investigators during the conduct of investigative (search) actions may lead to negative results in achieving their goals.


Keywords: criminalistics; psychology; crime scene inspection; interrogation; search; criminalistic technique; tactics; methodology; observation; cognition.


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Author Biography

Oleksandr DULSKYI

Doctor of Philosophy in Law,
Doctoral Student of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Kyiv, Ukraine


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