Psychological Aspects of the Criteria for Admissibility of Tactical Techniques


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to highlight the criteria for admissibility of tactical techniques during the implementation of investigative (search) actions. Methodology. The methodological toolkit was chosen in accordance with the outlined goal, the specifics of the object and the subject of research. To solve the tasks and achieve the goal, a set of methods and techniques of scientific knowledge were applied, which allowed to comprehensively investigate the object of research. Methods of formal logic (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, analogy, abstraction) made it possible to understand the content of the issues in more detail. Special legal methods were used in the research: comparative legal - during the analysis of norms of national legislation, scientific categories, definitions and approaches; the method of system analysis - for a comprehensive generalization of the criteria for the admissibility of tactical techniques. The scientific novelty consists in distinguishing the criteria for the admissibility of a tactical approach from the point of view of the application of psychological influence. Conclusions. The question of the admissibility of a tactical technique during the implementation of investigative (search) actions is a question of law, while the circumstances that may lead to the inadmissibility of evidence due to a violation of the criteria for the admissibility of tactical techniques are questions of fact. Psychological influence, acting as a component of a tactical reception and being a permanent source of formation of tactical recommendations, should be built within the framework of procedural requirements for carrying out a certain procedural action.


Keywords: criminal proceedings; forensic tactics; criminalistics; tactical reception; psychological influence; admissibility of evidence; tactical techniques.


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Author Biography


Researcher of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Kyiv, Ukraine


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