Transformation of the Family Institution in Modern Conditions: Psychological and Legal Aspect

  • Yana SHUMKO

    Research Fellow of the Department of Preparation of Educational and Scientific
    Publications of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
    Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that the family has high personal significance, which is a necessary life center that protects and protects a person. The development of the new, independent state of Ukraine is impossible without strengthening the institution of the family, which in daily experience has concentrated primordial social and personal problems and values. Playing the main role in the architecture of human existence, it has a whole system of unique spiritual and material values through which the whole world is perceived. The family is the basis of the state, which forms the basic prerequisites for the functioning of society, through the birth of children and the support of the existence of all family members as a result of the action of social processes, since the driving force of life is the relationship between a man and a woman. At the current stage, the institution of the family is experiencing a social crisis caused by a number of factors. The main cause of family problems is conflicts of an interpersonal, socio-domestic, psychological and physiological nature, which are most often determined by the socio-economic, socio-political and moral conditions of people's lives and their ability to overcome difficulties that arise in everyday reality. The purpose of the article is to promote the development of a responsible personality, focusing on moral culture; disclosure of the essence and content of the concept of the family institution; scientific and theoretical substantiation of the system and main mechanisms of state regulation; coverage of the current state and problems of the development of the institution of the family in Ukraine, etc. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that, based on the research, the theoretical, organizational and legal foundations and directions for improving the mechanisms of the development of the family institution were studied and summarized. The practical significance of the article lies in the expansion and deepening of theoretical knowledge about the development of the family institution in Ukraine and is an attempt to solve problematic aspects of practical implementation. These and other factors are the basis for the conclusion that family life and the institution of marriage have greatly weakened, especially in Western countries. The institution of the family is experiencing a crisis, decline and degradation, its main function - procreation - is being nullified. It is also necessary to take into account that society is constantly changing, the family must also change, adapt to social changes. The family is not just a flexible social institution, but one of the permanent factors of human experience.


Keywords: family; state; family functions; family; development; problematic aspects.


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Author Biography


Research Fellow of the Department of Preparation of Educational and Scientific
Publications of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Kyiv, Ukraine


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