Methodological Principles of Study of the Correlation Paradigm Shift in the Structure of Experimental Psychology Course

  • O. Romanenko Doctor of Psychologу, Professor, Professor of the Department Psychology and Pedagogic of Faculty № 2 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kiev, Ukraine
Keywords: correlation paradigm, experimental paradigm, types of correlation, problem of direction, the third variable problem, factor analysis


The article defined methodological principles study of the correlation paradigm shift in the structure of the course in experimental psychology. Proved the importance of this subject, which allows students to get acquainted with the scientific paradigm of modern psychology and master the rules of psychological research; to understand how scientific knowledge was obtained in the various fields of psychology; to understand the technology of knowledge in any scientific field; to develop the skills of experimentation and experimental means of evaluating the effectiveness of molding influences; to develop scientific thinking, which allows to perceive the surrounding critical information. Presented algorithm is a presentation of educational material. We consider the development of scientific understanding of the correlation in historical perspective that enables its comparison with experimental paradigm. It is noted that the comparison of the experimental method makes it possible to evaluate other methodological approaches to the knowledge of psychic reality. Defined strategy for correlative studies compared to kvazieksperiment. Described species correlation illustration combined with known psychological laws. Indicated that psychological laws apply under certain conditions and assumptions, and depending on the cause-existing conditions determined largely limits the establishment of laws, but it is not phenomena of certain type. The problems focus and third variable as the main forms of interpreting correlative studies. Examples of application forms probabilistic interpretation of the data. The necessity of self-organization and correlation of research students for a particular plan is grounded. The role and place of the correlation method in the system of scientific psychology are founded. Consider limiting this method when solving complex theoretical issues. The necessity of a correlation studies for practical or ethical reasons is grounded. Correlation method specified role in the process of validation of psychological tests for validity and reliability. The main field of correlative studies is grounded. This scheme multivariate experiment for two independent and two dependent variables requires identifying links between each pair of «independent – dependent variable». Reveals the importance of factor analysis that identifies factors the basis of a large number of relationships. Reveals correlation capabilities in identifying individual differences and behavior in homogeneous situations. Consider planning cross-cultural research as one of the promising areas of experimental psychology.


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Author Biography

O. Romanenko
Doctor of Psychologу, Professor, Professor of the Department Psychology and Pedagogic of Faculty № 2 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kiev, Ukraine

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