Components of Professional Competence of Employees of Patrol Units of the National Police of Ukraine

  • V. Bondarenko Ph.D in Pedagogical, Head of the Department of Fire and Special Physical Training at the Research Institute № 1 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kiev, Ukraine;
  • S. Reshko Professor, Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Fire and Special Physical Training at the Research Institute № 1 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kiev, Ukraine;
  • O. Yemchuk Associate Professor of the Department of Fire and Special Physical Training at the Research Institute № 1 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kiev, Ukraine
Keywords: professional competence, patrol service, National Police, the primary professional training


It is noted that the formation of the new National Patrol Police of Ukraine aims at training a new generation of police officers, which constitute the basis of ideology universal values, principles of humanism and democracy, understanding of human freedom as the most important values of society. It is given the diversity of functional responsibilities of staff patrol units, a high level of professional competence acts as a basis of effective law enforcement agencies. Formation of professional competence is in preparation. Based on the theoretical analysis research found that professional competence of the patrol unit officer – a structure in which the integrated experience, theoretical knowledge, practical skills and skills are important for law enforcement personal qualities. On the basis of the research it is highlighted the following components of professional competence of employees of patrol units, motivational, cognitive, operational and active, personal, emotional and volitional. Motivational component includes system grounds that lead to the identity of law enforcement. The components of the motivational component are: a sense of professional duty; focus on its own security; self-confidence and preparedness; humanistic attitudes. The cognitive component includes: special expertise; knowledge in law; knowledge of psychology and behavior of the offender. The components of operational-activity component are: the experience of law enforcement officer; formed self-defense skills and application of methods of physical restraint; tactical skills; developed physical qualities; a set of practical skills (the ability to drive in extreme conditions, the ability to choose the right course of action in a particular situation, the ability to defend the legitimate rights and interests). In the case of de-escalation of conflict played an important role a significant share of emotional and volitional and personal components. To personal component we include: communication quality; personal qualities (honesty, discipline, dignity, responsibility, tolerance, tact, kindness); analyticity and critical thinking; moral values. Emotional-volitional components are: a manifestation of positive emotional state while on duty; self-expression in the actions against the offender; developed volitional qualities (determination, initiative, courage, self-confidence, dedication). All components expressed by the professional competence of its content are inextricably linked and are in a relationship influencing and complementing each other.


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Author Biographies

V. Bondarenko
Ph.D in Pedagogical, Head of the Department of Fire and Special Physical Training at the Research Institute № 1 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kiev, Ukraine;
S. Reshko
Professor, Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Fire and Special Physical Training at the Research Institute № 1 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kiev, Ukraine;
O. Yemchuk
Associate Professor of the Department of Fire and Special Physical Training at the Research Institute № 1 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kiev, Ukraine

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Psychological support of law enforcement