Features of Formation of Theoretical and Methodological Knowledge in Physical Training among Police Personnel

  • A. Martyshko Ph.D in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Fire and Special Physical Training at the Research Institute № 1 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kiev, Ukraine;
  • O. Riabukha Lecturer Professor of the Department of Fire and Special Physical Training at the Research Institute № 1 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kiev, Ukraine
Keywords: theoretical and methodological knowledge, physical training, policing, police officer


In the article the features of formation of a police officer theoretical and methodological knowledge of fitness and exercise their proposed division of the significance tests to perform professional tasks at the primary and secondary. According to the authors due to complex formation and use main and supporting theoretical and methodological knowledge of the police can achieve the highest efficiency in the training (during classes in physical training) and for life in general police officer. The urgency of the need to improve police officers theoretical and methodological knowledge for effective use of police actions during the exercise of their functions and organization to ensure the motor activity of a police officer during their leisure for health promotion. Deals with the possible causes that do not contribute to the rapid formation of the police high level of theoretical and methodological knowledge of physical fitness. To which carried insufficient theoretical and methodological knowledge of physical education in schools, depreciation importance of physical education, low motivation system knowledge of physical training, exercise, healthy lifestyles and more. The importance of theoretical and methodological knowledge in the lessons of physical training and professional when performing tasks. Defined stages of theoretical and methodological knowledge in the police: the first stage – mastering theoretical and methodological knowledge required police officers studying at the university with specific learning environment, is pr initial training or serving in police departments; the second stage of training – meaning prescribed exercise program, theoretical and methodological knowledge (skills and abilities) of physical training; the third and fourth stages – Contents of exercise, theoretical and methodological knowledge (skills and abilities) in the organization of physical training and sport activities. Given the author’s definition of concepts such as instructional knowledge of physical training and theoretical knowledge of physical fitness. A creation of conditions that would encourage the best (effective) formation in police theoretical and methodological knowledge.


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Author Biographies

A. Martyshko
Ph.D in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Fire and Special Physical Training at the Research Institute № 1 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kiev, Ukraine;
O. Riabukha
Lecturer Professor of the Department of Fire and Special Physical Training at the Research Institute № 1 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kiev, Ukraine

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