The place of Informative Culture of Personality in Providing of Informative Activity of Investigator

  • N. Karpushyna Researcher of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kiev, Ukraine
Keywords: informative activity of investigator, informative competence, professional informative culture, informative behavior, informative ethics of investigator


The article determines the location and role of culturological tendencies in becoming of professional-investigator. An informative culture comes forward the condition of not only effective implementation of official duties but also self-realization of personality in activity, achievement of akmeologic perfection. Modern scientific ideas are considered about constituents and determinants of professional informative culture. The professional culture of investigator is stipulated by the valued-semantic orientation of personality and, through her, assists activation of potential of personality – valued-searching, reflection, creative capabilities and abilities. The rich in content and structural elements of informative culture of investigator are outlined. A communicative informative culture of investigator is the difficult multivariable phenomenon that contains the system of complementary elements: sociocultural orientations of investigator, which contain personality communicative options; knowledge; generalized communicative abilities. Basic descriptions of informative behavior and his role are certain in providing of effective informative communication. Under informative behavior, most scientists understand the method of actions, aggregate of efforts, used for a receipt and mastering of new knowledge, his distribution in society. Due to informative behavior a subject is able to realize own informative activity, sent to cognition and transformation of surrounding him reality. General ethic requirements are formulated in relation to the use of information in professional activity of investigator. The most perspective directions of researches of informative activity of investigator are reasonable in the context of her culturological and personality determination.


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Author Biography

N. Karpushyna
Researcher of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kiev, Ukraine

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