Relationship Law and Morality as a Regulator of Social Relations

  • I. Serdiuk Postgraduate Stuent of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Keywords: law, morality, social norms, social controls, natural law, legal positivism, deontological ethics


The article deals with one of the urgent problems of the philosophy of law: the relationship of law and morality as a social regulator. The task of moral and legal norms is to regulate social relations, the assertion in society universal values of freedom and justice. It is alleged that law and morality are the basis of human behavior, they bring order in the interaction of people, form their model of behavior that focuses on the priority of the common good, humanity, justice, equality and other important principles and rules of human life because this is the most important means of social regulation. The process of interaction between law and morality promotes deeper rooting of moral standards in society, while increasing the authority of law, increase its role as a social regulator. Law and morality are closely interrelated and interdependent: under the influence of high moral standards and values of human rights, law is constantly being improved, on the other hand there is the reverse effect of the rights of morality, behavior and traditions of people. At the same time, due to the fact that law and morality are different forms of social consciousness, their interaction is complex and ambiguous. There is an objective necessity of adjusting both the public life in general, and social controls through their improvement and harmonization with the democratic and legal standards. Building a stable economic and political system, the formation of civil society and the rule of law requires the overcoming of all conflicts and contradictions between the law and morality, to achieve a deep and flexible interaction between them. Studying of the interrelationship of law and morality is important to optimize the processes of social control that could be an important basis for the social and spiritual revival of Ukraine.


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Author Biography

I. Serdiuk
Postgraduate Stuent of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

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