Methodological principles of study of emotional intelligence of employees of internal аffairs bodies

  • L. Sheleh Ph.D in Political Sciences, Researcher of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Keywords: patrol police officer, communicative strategy, speech sphere duties


The article is devoted to methodological bases to identify of individuals, who are prone to psychosomatic disorders. The author explains that there are two significantly different profiles of the dominant emotional experiences in individuals that are prone and not prone to psychosomatic disorders. In the first case, a positive emotional state has been recorded as the view of certain professional regulation («the employee of police has to be...»), since they are unlikely at this level of negative emotions. Moreover, the desire to be (or look) of energetic, determined and confident person for the lack of appropriate personal requirements can cause personal conflict, to become an independent factor of negative dynamics of the psychosomatic status of an individual. In the second case there is a domination of positive emotions, respectively – the overall harmony of the emotional status of the person despite the presence of negative influences.


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Author Biography

L. Sheleh
Ph.D in Political Sciences, Researcher of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

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Psychological support of law enforcement