Psychological Determinants of Youth Political Behavior Today

  • O. Kudermina Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, Heak of Department of Legal Psychology of National Academy of Internal Affairs
Keywords: political behavior, psychological factors, conventionality, legal regulatory, social inclusion, political identification


The article presents an analysis of current issues today. The solution to this problem is important in different fields of science: sociology, political science and psychology. Political behavior of a young person justifies the development of political processes in Ukraine. Political behavior is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon in political life of the community. It’s analysis in modern conditions of Ukrainian society development is of practical importance as vectors to predict the development of the political behavior of citizens have some impact on it and move this vector in the desired direction for the political institutions and the social system as a whole. Political behavior today is a set of actions and behavior of the subject of political life in the space of political practice. Types and forms of political behavior are characterized by diversity and human contact are detailed in the article. The article contains theoretical analysis of the psychological foundations of political behavior of modern Ukrainian youth. The content outlines the main provisions of behavioral, psychoanalytic and other concepts in political psychology. It reveals the psychological causes of the political interpretation of human behavior in abovementioned theories. It presents the traditional criteria for evaluating political psychology of political behavior: conventionality and activity level. The necessity of distinguishing criterion of conventionality and legal standard is outlined. This leads to the use of the scheme for the evaluation of political behavior, which consists of three criteria: conventionality, level of activity and legal standard. The paper filed the following analysis of psychological determinants: features of social inclusion, political identity, stereotyping, etc.


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Author Biography

O. Kudermina
Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, Heak of Department of Legal Psychology of National Academy of Internal Affairs

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