The Historical Aspects of Experts’ Professional Activity Psychological Support

  • O. Sakhnik PhD in Psychology, Head of Scientific Laboratory of Research Centre of Criminal-Executive Service Institute
Keywords: experts, professional activity, psychological support


The psychological support of professional activity is the complex of special measures, means of psychological and pedagogical influence on experts’ psychics for formation, support and recovery of his optimal working capacity in ordinary and extraordinary circumstances. Among them there are professional orientation and professional choice, psychological training and professional psychological teaching of staff, creation of optimal conditions for psychological welfare. The last one foresees availability of favorable social and psychological atmosphere, counting of personal specifications of work collective members, the level of development of one’s professional competence, realization of psycho-correctional influence during temporal psychological difficulties, implementation of rehabilitation arrangements for restoration of exhausted psychological and emotional sources. In other words, provision of the complex psychological support for expert creates favorable conditions for strengthening of his/her mental stability, reduction of situational and personal anxiety. It promotes adequate and accelerated adaptation to new conditions, overcoming of severe fatigue during the duties performance. So there is no doubt in its importance and significance for the successful management of human resources. The importance of question which had been revealed above, caused the substantiation of author’s aim – the outline of the main historical periods of the experts’ professional activity psychological support and analysis of the views of prominent scientists concerning this question.


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Author Biography

O. Sakhnik
PhD in Psychology, Head of Scientific Laboratory of Research Centre of Criminal-Executive Service Institute

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