Moral Formation of a Person as an Element of Interaction Law and Morality

  • I. Serdyk Adjunct of National Academy of Internal Affairs
Keywords: information society, socialization, values, individualization, value pluralism, moral and legal education, social life, information resources


Annotation. In the article viewed one of the urgent problems of legal philosophy: the interaction of law and moral values as regulators of socialization. It is alleged that the moral and legal consciousness is not contradictory and closely interact in the social and normative regulation, with the result that the right becomes a moral basis. However, creating conditions to attract subject to legal and moral values, law and morality are the most important means of formation, education and becoming socially and culturally developed a complete individual. Transformation of legal and moral values in the field of real relationships between people can occur only if the unity of moral and legal education. Common values unite legal grounds and moral normalization of social life, thus justifying the absolute importance of the human person. What moral and legal education serves an integral mechanism of socialization, making these processes dialectically interrelated, legal socialization must reverse significant impact on legal education. In this process, the individual appears as the subject, since the acquisition of social skills is a necessary condition of human existence, and as an object of influence from the society. The author concludes that the moral and legal education of the individual is a complex and multifaceted process that is impossible without the value of objective and subjective factors in education, taking into account the changes occurring in society, adjustments in accordance with the methods and means of educational work. The interpenetration of moral and legal norms binding moral and legal relations determine the assimilation of law and morality in the organic unity to be achieved in the course of a targeted regulation of socialization. As a result, the right becomes a moral foundation that promotes the recognition of its importance as an important social regulator. Value aspects of justice has important methodological significance in terms of legal education.


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Author Biography

I. Serdyk
Adjunct of National Academy of Internal Affairs

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Theoretical and methodological issues of legal psychology