Features of Viable Intents of Law Enforcement Officers and Psychological Characteristics

  • O. Tsilmak Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of Department of Criminology and Forensic Science of National Academy of Internal Affairs
Keywords: functions of viable intents, policemen, personal, viable, social object


The author of the article classified according to the types of policemen viable intents their functions and psychological characteristics. According to the author, the types of viable intents include personal, viable, social and objective. In turn, these types consist of certain types of viable intents. Thus, the author considers as viable the following types: professional, educational, creative, household; social, subjective attitude and subjective interaction; objective: physical, inner; personal: egocentric, intrapsychological, physiological, health safety, general cultural. Roles and values types are identified for individual defined functions. It appears that for the above mentioned types, types of viable intents should clarify and expand the boundaries of their functions in accordance with the role and value that they provide. Consequently, personal viable intents of police officer are transferred in the following functions: self-adaptive, reflective, self-regulatory, self-acceptance. The functions of social viable intents include: epistemological, perceptual, emotional, adaptive, integrative, methodological, regulatory. Viable police officer intents defined in the following functions: epistemological, acmeological, value-evaluation, self-fulfillment, emotional, adaptive, operating, safety, consumer, creative. The functions of the object of viable intents include: epistemological, emotional, value-evaluative, creative, consumer, protective (according to author). It is emphasized that the viable intents determine the internal integrity of police officers, a picture of their personal life. They also depend on the intents and how certain police officers are consistent with other intents and how easy it is they change it.


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Author Biography

O. Tsilmak
Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of Department of Criminology and Forensic Science of National Academy of Internal Affairs

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Psychological support of law enforcement