The Psychological Health of the Individual
The article presents the results of a synthesis of research on psychological health. It discusses approaches to understanding mental health. Assessment criteria and factors of formation of health of the person are clarified. The content of lifestyle, environmental, genetic and medical conditions as factors of formation of health are examined. Problem of psychological mental, spiritual, moral health is not new in science. In national studies, this problem was solved in the framework of psychology, psychiatry and psychopathology. The aim of the article is to analyse the practical and theoretical developments on the problem of psychological of psychological health, its concepts, evaluation criteria, factors of formation. The concept of mental health has long been included in the basic content of mental health as part of it and the experience of psychopathology was used regarding the psyche of a healthy person. However, modern science has delineated the areas of mental and psychological health. An important contribution to the understanding of mental health was undertaken by representatives of humanistic psychology.
Kalyu while analyzing theories of health, distributes them into four conceptual models: medical, biomedical, biosocial, valuable and social. Among the major objectives of health psychology study criteria of psychological health, factors that determine are highlighted. I. Kohan, G. Lozhkin, N. Myshkevich after processing of scientific sources on the problem of psychological health among the criteria specified: 1. Acceptance of responsibility for life, particularly health. 2. Self-knowledge as the analysis itself. 3. Self-understanding and self-acceptance, the process of internal integration. 4. The ability to live in the present. 5. The consciousness of individual existence and, consequently, deliberately constructed hierarchy of values. 6. The ability to understand, listen and accept. Health depends on many reasons, especially socio-psychological regularities. The main determining factors of health are: lifestyle; environment; genetic factors; medical factors. So, having considered each factor in the prevention of illness or its importance to health, you can determine the strategy of behavior, lifestyle, improve quality of life and your health in general.
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