Empirical Research of Volitional Element of Psychical Component of the Policeman Personality Structure

  • D. Aleksandrov Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, Professor of Department of Legal Psychology of National Academy of Internal Affairs
Keywords: strong-willed qualities, personality, activity, structure, adaptability, a police officer


The purpose of the article is the analysis of the results of empirical research of volitional component of the personality structure of the policeman. The components of the personality structure of the employee are formed and developed in the process of training and practical experience. Of the great importance are strong-willed qualities since they support the regulation of mental processes and states. The aim of the article is to analyze the personality structure of the individual police officers in the context of determinist principles of person-activity approach. Research was carried out in the perspective of the role of psychological personality traits that define its professional adaptation in the assimilation of its inherent relationships. We also consider the impact of operating conditions on the subsequent transformation of the individual police officer. On the basis of generalization of the obtained results, it is proved that the volitional mental qualities determine the adaptive abilities, psychological stability, regularity of conduct, extraversion, self-confidence, courage, self-control, practicality and empathy. Also, volitional component causes the reduction of resentment, negativism, irritability and feelings of guilt. In the system of interpersonal relations suspicion, self-centeredness, subordination, dependence, and aggressiveness are reduced. This increases self-confidence and internality, helping to reduce the negative communicative settings. The article reveals the factors that determine the success of the components of law enforcement. The research allowed to select the optimal model for construction of the structure of personality of the police officer.


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Author Biography

D. Aleksandrov
Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, Professor of Department of Legal Psychology of National Academy of Internal Affairs

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Psychological support of law enforcement