Psychological Features and Formation of Juvenile Personality and Criminal Behaviour

  • M. Rudik Researcher of Department of Criminology and Penal Law of National Academy of Internal Affairs
Keywords: minor, mercenary criminality, illegal behavior, psychological description, prevention


The article deals with child’s mercenary orientation forming the genesis of criminal behavior of juveniles as well as the analysis of objective (common) and subjective (specific) for any child responsible of crime. Indicated that under the Constitution of Ukraine main public priorities and social values are life and health, honor and dignity, integrity and security of human. That is why the course of state policy in the field of child protection was a subject of concern only for legal scholars and law enforcement practitioners, but also the general public. With a view to introduction in Ukraine of European standards for the protection of children's rights, our country has undertaken a number of international legal obligations to ensure proper mental and physical development of young people, their protection against any deviation in terms of behavior.

Note that the current socio-economic and political changes in the country related to reform in all spheres of public life, will inevitably lead to significant changes in the social space, breaking the old moral values, norms, traditions and stereotypes. These transformations have a negative impact on identity formation of children and contribute to committing crimes and other offenses. Results of the study indicate that psychological characteristic of adolescents are: increased emotionas, self-doubt, feeling of dependence on adults anxiety. Antisocial lifestyle leads to a high level of aggression and hostile destructiveness, affectivity, negativity, emotional instability. However, the basic moral principles in children who commit an acquisitive crime or not informed or crooked, and criminal lifestyle lead to the acquisition of complex opposition to the society; they also possess distorted idea of freedom, friendship, generosity as guiding norms.


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Author Biography

M. Rudik
Researcher of Department of Criminology and Penal Law of National Academy of Internal Affairs

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