Corrective Measures During Individual Work with Prisoners of Risk Groups

  • O. Коnopatska Senior Research Fellow of Research Centre of Criminal-Executive Service Institute;
  • Yu. Matveeva Junior Research Fellow of Research Centre of Criminal-Executive Service Institute
Keywords: convicted persons, inmates, suicide, penal establishments, suicidal behaviour, suicide prevention, suicidology


The reasons of suicide committal by inmates and convicted persons and suicide prevention in penal establishments and pre-trial institutions of State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine are investigated in the article. The problem of suicide is one of the most topical social psychological problem in the modern society now. We observe the increase of the number of suicide in the world now. The number of suicide among the prisoners is approximately 70 persons per year. The principal factors leading to suicide are psychological factors because suicide is a psychological phenomenon. The other factors function directly through emotional experience and motivation of people. The term «suicide» acquires a great significance in the penitentiary psychology because the prisoners often receive a serious moral trauma and paintfully endure the process of desadaptation in the prison. To the edition of the number of suicide in the prison favours the deterioration of moral psychological climate among the prisoners, complicates the process of recocialization and reeducation. The process of preparation of prisoners to the life in the society, colaboration with the society plays an important part in the advance of the mental status of prisoner, in the reduction of his disposition to suicide. The reason of this is a feeling of importance as part of the society which stimulates him to live, helps to find the meaning of life. Collaborating with the society the prisoner starts to understand the life in the socium, leaves the fear about his low level of social status in the society, it helps to decrease the number of suicide and to decrease the number of crimes repeated after release.


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Author Biographies

O. Коnopatska
Senior Research Fellow of Research Centre of Criminal-Executive Service Institute;
Yu. Matveeva
Junior Research Fellow of Research Centre of Criminal-Executive Service Institute

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Psychological issues of work with delinquent persons