Analysis of psychological determinants of readiness for lawyer creative thinking

  • G. Odyntsova здобувач кафедри юридичної психології Національної академії внутрішніх справ
Keywords: creative thinking, integrated approach, set, attitude, availability, determinants of creativity, lawyer’s identity


iness for lawyer creative thinking Creativity is a defining determinant of effective implementation process of lawyer’s enforcement practice. Thus, the leading direction of training the future lawyer is opening and activation of his creative potential. 

The scientific article analyzes the experimental investigation of psychological determinant of readiness for lawyer’s creative thinking. The averaged profiles results of students of the law and psychological faculty are compared. Found that the profiles of lawyers and psychologists are differ. Lawyers are reticent and prudent in contrast to psychologists who show impulsiveness, energy and dynamic. Another important difference is that lawyers were more practical and realistic in comparison with psychologists, which have stability, empathy, compassion and understanding of others. There are volatility in the interests, lability, anxiety in lawyers. Psychologists instead have a greater emotional maturity and working capacity. However, lawyers are less emotional, attentive, assess people strictly, more anxious and vulnerable from the group of psychologists. Unfortunately we found absence of behavior in problem situations which stimulates the search for new innovative creative solutions in lawyers. Observed greater rigidity of existing settings and greater duration of getting rid of them in lawyers. Unlike psychologists who have more flexible ways of responding to the problem situation. It was found that the level of creativity of future lawyers is insufficient. An increased urgency of introduction the psychological measures of creative potential in the lawyers training system is substantiated.


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G. Odyntsova
здобувач кафедри юридичної психології Національної академії внутрішніх справ

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Law education and the process of study in the higher educational establishments