Aggression adolescents: causes and possible psycho-correction

  • O. Moiseieva доктор психологічних наук, професор, професор кафедри юридичної психології Національної академії внутрішніх справ
Keywords: aggressive behavior, aggression, adolescence, affective reactions, program psychocorrection


The article emphasized the importance of selection factors that contribute to aggressive reactions in adolescents. It is noted that the analysis of the internal, subjective content of aggressive behavior proves that it is personal self-defense and self-assertion. Determined that the formation and development to aggression in adolescences associated rather with the lack of alternative number of ways to establish a constructive activity, aimed at the needs of solving the contradictions and response to frustration socially acceptable way. Emphasized that when planning a program of psychological correction of aggression must first carefully consider what function it performs in a particular situation, what are its proportions among the manifestations of the activity and the dynamics of its occurrence. The proposed program is a comprehend adjustment of aggressiveness, which includes two parts: «Psychotraining adolescent aggressiveness», «Training effectiveness parents». Correction unit for aggressive adolescents is a psychological training of the integral type with elements of different psychotherapeutic techniques. Its purpose is to educate young people to search for alternative (socially acceptable) ways to meet the need sand skills of constructive interaction with others. Program for parents of adolescents with behavior aimed at creating the psychological conditions for over coming parental restriction sand experience positive interactions with their own children through hands-ontraining of communication skill sand change the style of family education for the sake of creating an environment that promotes behavior aggressive adolescents.


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O. Moiseieva
доктор психологічних наук, професор, професор кафедри юридичної психології Національної академії внутрішніх справ

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