Regularities of the formation of antisocial personality settings

  • O. Davidova кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри юридичної психології Національної академії внутрішніх справ
Keywords: attitude, attitude activity, situational attitude, fixed attitude, antisocial attitude, maladjustment personality


The main determinant of the decision on the implementation of the offence, is antisocial orientation of the personality. A specific characteristic of the personality of the offender is antisocial attitude. Among antisocial attitudes distinguish two categories: situational, that is, the attitude, the emergence and manifestation of which is determined by the specific situation, and consultant, indepth, formed in the result of long-term negative impact of objective and subjective factors.

find implementation in socially unacceptable behavior. Over time, they deepen, fixed as subjectively justified and acceptable, contributing to the emergence of negative attitudes, thereby suppressing positive attitudes. So the setup of the lowest level provided long-term impact on the personality of negative factors, multiple repetition of appropriate behavior and lack of preventive measures are transformed into deep, fixed. Fixed antisocial attitude entail social maladjustment personality. The distorted psychological properties may take the form of accentuated or borderline disorders. A promising direction of research is to develop methods of psychological correction of the social attitudes of different categories of offenders and their further use in the system of preventive measures.


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Author Biography

O. Davidova
кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри юридичної психології Національної академії внутрішніх справ

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