Genesis of xenophobia

  • K. Skulkina ад’юнкт кафедри юридичної психології Національної академії внутрішніх справ
Keywords: genesis, underaged’s, xenophobia, causes of xenophobia, image of the enemy, prevention


The article deals with the analysis of the causes xenophobia that give rise to biased hostile attitude toward other nations and ethnic groups. Investigated the biological background and psychological causes of xenophobia, the role of political and economic factors in the causation of xenophobia in underaged’s. Is taken into account the mechanism of formation of the image of the enemy, the opposition of «we-they» group phenomenon among children, the lack of uniform values, the phenomenonofthe deficiency, the competition, the migrantophobia, the idea of the titular nation etc. On the basis ofallocatedcauseshostilitytoward othernations, trace inthe waysof preventionof this negative phenomenon. Specified phenomensand mechanisms of overcoming xenophobia, such as «positivecomplementarity», «instinctof solidarity», «motive ofmutual helpfulness», «commonbeliefs». Proves the necessity of line preventive measures to overcome the xenophobia is on children.


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K. Skulkina
ад’юнкт кафедри юридичної психології Національної академії внутрішніх справ

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