Specific Features of Persons Behavior with Different Levels of Personal Anxiety in Conflict Situations

  • O. Romanenko

    Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine;

  • M. Lukashenko

    Researcher of Higher Education Master of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

Keywords: conflict, anxiety, style of behavior in conflict, personal anxiety, personality flexibility, strategy of psychological defense in conflict, frustration, aggressiveness, rigidity


The article is devoted to the consideration of peculiarities of behavior in conflict situations of persons with different levels of personal anxiety. The questions of psychological factors determining the origin, dynamics and the final result of the development of interpersonal conflict, is important for understanding the psychological mechanisms of regulation of human behavior. The role of personal anxiety in the emergence and the course of conflicts is revealed. It is established that the behavior of an individual in a conflict is caused by internal and external factors. The latter include a subjective assessment of the partner’s behavior as inadmissible, low level of social and psychological competence, low level of conflict resistance, low level of empathy, inflated or undervalued levels of harassment, type of temperament, accentuation of nature, violation of the emotional and volitional sphere of personality. One of the most significant factors is personal anxiety. Situational anxiety is generated by a specific situation and often has a positive significance for the life of the individual. Personal anxiety is defined as a personality trait and is characterized by a state of unconscious fear, an uncertain sense of threat, willingness to accept any event as adverse and dangerous. The results of an empirical study on the psychological characteristics of individuals with different levels of anxiety are presented. Depending on this, the type of behavior in conflict, the strategy of psychological protection in conflicts, the style of interpersonal relations and the state of anxiety, frustration, aggressiveness and rigidity are established. In the course of the existence of a correlation between the indicators of behavior in conflict situations and the level of anxiety, the analysis of medium and high communication rates was subject. There is a certain correlation, namely: anxiety has positive correlation relations, with such phenomena as aggressiveness style of behavior in conflict situations «Rivalry». This testifies to the fact that those who are alarming, the behavior of their own style will be the rivalry that is associated with aggressiveness. Peace as a strategy for psychological protection in conflict situations correlates with anxiety, which may indicate that peacefulness as a psychological strategy for protecting the subjective reality of the individual in conflicts and in conflict situations in which intelligence plays a leading role nature. By peace, it means, a partnership and cooperation, and the ability to compromise. Avoidance as a strategy of psychological protection in conflict situations correlates with anxiety. Such a result suggests that individuals with an average level of personal anxiety are traversed without a battle from the zone of conflict and tension when the «I» personality is attacked. Such a style of interpersonal relations as «straight-aggressive» has a positive correlation with conflict. This suggests that such a style of interpersonal relationships, related to conflict, in this it is expressed. It is noted that the ideal style of personal behavior in a conflict situation does not exist, but each of them can contribute to constructive conflict resolution, depending on the situation. It is established that the style of behavior in a particular conflict is determined by the extent to which a person wants to satisfy his or her own interests (acting passively or actively) and the interests of the other party (acting in concert or individually). The basic directions of psychological and pedagogical work are determined taking into account personal and emotional factors in conflict situations, acting as a condition for their constructive solution.


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Author Biographies

O. Romanenko

Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine;

M. Lukashenko

Researcher of Higher Education Master of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

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Theoretical and methodological issues of legal psychology