The Model of Psychological Readiness of the Employee of the Unit of Patrol Police for Service Activities

  • V. Bondarenko Ph.D in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Fire and Special Physical Training at the Research Institute No. 1 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine
Keywords: model, psychological readiness, patrol police, National Police


The scientific literature on the problems of training law enforcement officers has been analyzed. The peculiarities of professional training of the employees of the units of the patrol police were investigated. It is revealed that the specificity of professional activity of patrols leads to chronic physical and mental fatigue and requires increased psychophysical preparedness. Taking into account the peculiarities of official activity, the requirements for the psychological readiness of employees are set. On the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, the essence of concepts «model» and «psychological readiness» was clarified and illuminated. The model of psychological readiness of the patrol police officer for effective performance of official activity is developed. It is established that the state of psychological readiness of the employee of the unit of patrol police for effective performance of service activity is defined as a complex of interconnected components, containing general and professional knowledge, special skills, skills and a set of developed professional qualities. The set of professionally important qualities of patrol police officers, whose formation contributes to the more effective performance of official tasks: volitional, personal, communicative, physical qualities, psychological cognitive processes (speed of thinking, attention, memory) and emotional stability. It has been established that an officer of a patrol police is able to perform official duties at an appropriate level, provided that he has sufficient motivation. The necessary component that contributes to the achievement of the state of psychological readiness of the employee is the formation of skills and abilities of the use of methods of physical influence, special means and firearms; ability to manage a car in extreme conditions, to quickly and qualitatively process the service documentation, to have skills in working with databases, to provide medical assistance to those who need it.


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Author Biography

V. Bondarenko
Ph.D in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Fire and Special Physical Training at the Research Institute No. 1 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

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Psychological support of law enforcement