The Phenomenon of Adaptation in Context of Activity of New Police of Ukraine

  • V. Androsiuk Ph.D in Psychology, Professor, Leading Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory on Problems of Psychological Support of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine
Keywords: professional activity, professional adaptation, valued orientations, feel, professional risk, criteria of adapted


The article is devoted to the contemporary problem of professional adaptation of policemen to the terms and features of professional law-enforcement activity. In this connection, the task of study of the social state and feel constabulary, real state of the social phenomena and processes that take place not only in society is certain near-term, but also in a constabulary environment, their features and progress trends. Reduction of social optimism that accompanied activity of police on the first stages of its functioning is established. Only 60 % of citizens were estimated positively activity of police on a fight against offences of middle weight. A police that counteracts to the bribery and corruption has the lowest indexes (25 %). Adaptation processes that determine the feel of policeman and efficiency of him professional activity, are the most essential social and psychological phenomena. To the article determination of professional adaptation that is adaptation of man to the new terms of labour, is driven, by the valued orientations within the limits of profession, by realization of reasons and aims, rapprochement of internal norms of behavior of personality and professional group, mastering of components of professional activity: its tasks, object, methods, facilities, result and terms. It is underlined that it follows to consider effectiveness of selfactivity the basic line of efficiency of mechanism of professional adaptation on mastering of status-role-play and normative requirements, orientations, terms of new social environment. The basic criteria of policeman adaptation is a high level of motivation of subject to the capture professional competences; proof positive attitude is toward official tasks, positive traditions of collective; the active plugged is in the system of interpersonal communications in a collective; state of psychological comfort and feel.


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Author Biography

V. Androsiuk
Ph.D in Psychology, Professor, Leading Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory on Problems of Psychological Support of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

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Psychological support of law enforcement