The Conduct of Individual-Preventive Measures by District Police Officers and their Information-Psychological Support

  • N. Levchenko Researcher of the Depertment of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine
Keywords: district police officer, information, individual preventive measures, operational situation


ormational-psychological support by the district police officer of individual-preventive measures. The principles, types and functions of such software are defined. The description of the elements of the operational environment that is informative for providing effective preventive activity is given. The results of the research carried out by the author are presented. Such a study was intended to justify the expediency of introducing in the activity of district police officers methodical techniques for optimizing the planning and implementation of individual preventive measures on the basis of their information provision. The author has found that, on average, 45–50 people are on the prophylactic record of district police officers. 54,5 % of district police officers spend about 40,0 % of their time on implementing individual prevention measures, 36,0 % – about 60,0 %, and 9,5 % – only 20,0 % of the time. In conducting individual preventive interviews, only 27,0% of the interviewed officers indicated their ability to always maintain psychological contact with the respondent. Some difficulties with maintenance of positive contact have 63,0% of employees, and 10,0 % – can not establish such contact. Psychological consequences of conducting conversations with such people is the appearance of psycho-emotional states of tension of a policeman. Thus, 30,0 % of the interviewed employees indicated a feeling of fatigue after communicating with respondents, and 9,4 % – a feeling of extreme fatigue and exhaustion. 60,0 % of respondents have a capacity to work and lack of tension. The most important factor in conducting an interview is the threat of the use of coercive measures and punishment (45,4 % of respondents). About 36,0 % of district employees combine the preventive effect of conversations with an increase in their number and intensity. The presence of family members and relatives (40,7 % of respondents) significantly increases the productivity of individual prophylactic conversations. About 70,0 % of police officers said that encouraging a person, emphasizing her positive features and changing behavior during conversations also contributes to their effectiveness.


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Author Biography

N. Levchenko
Researcher of the Depertment of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

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Psychological support of law enforcement