Foreign Experience of Effective Communication in Police Activities

  • O. Voloshyna Ph.D in Psychology, Associate Professor, Leading Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory on Problems of Psychological Support of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Keywords: police, communication, effective communication, police work with the public, conflict


The purpose of the article is to study the foreign experience of effective models of professional communication of policemen and ways of introducing better experience in practical activities of the staff of the National Police of Ukraine. The experience of effective communication in the work of foreign police officers is analyzed on the example of Germany, Great Britain, Japan, the USA, Latvia and Russia. It has been established that experience of working with police personnel in a number of civilized countries convincingly confirms the existence of effective normative and psychological mechanisms for working out effective communication skills, which can be fully tested in the National Police of Ukraine. The main tasks of the district police of Germany are highlighted, in particular: establishment and support of contacts with citizens, public groups, institutions and organizations of a certain district, independent of the circumstances; conducting of preventive counseling at the place of residence; assistance to crime victims and some other tasks. The peculiarities of realization in the USA of the program of public activity of the police patrol service, created to ensure active cooperation of the police with the population, are determined. The results of the pilot project "Public Police Work" at the Talsi Police Station of Latvia during 2009-2012 and recommendations for its improvement are shown, namely: to urge the police to perceive the population as clients; to limit the concentration on conflicts in the training program for police officers; to train police officers to communicate in situations where there is no conflict, to establish informal and non-authoritarian contact with the population, etc. The possibilities of using foreign effective models in the work of the police of Ukraine with the public are determined.


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Author Biography

O. Voloshyna
Ph.D in Psychology, Associate Professor, Leading Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory on Problems of Psychological Support of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine;

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Psychological support of law enforcement