The Role of Psychological Reаdіness for Risk in Professional Activity Women’s Policemen

Keywords: risk, uncertainty, randomness, stress factors, extreme situation, gender, psychological readiness, decision making


Тhe purpose of this article is to examine the role of psychological preparedness for risk in the professional activities of policewomen. Methodological tools were the conceptual foundations of the study of risk appetite in domestic and foreign science. The typology of ideas about risk as the main determinants of professional-oriented behavior in an extreme situation is described. The essence and content of the concept "risk" is defined in comparison with the basic connotations "uncertainty" and "randomness" (probability), which allowed expanding the conceptual apparatus and identifying risk as a structural element of epistemological uncertainty from the standpoint of decision making by the subject of activity. It has been established that there is a relationship between indicators of tolerance for uncertainty, professional experience and age of employees: with an increase in the length of professional experience, the indicator of tolerance to uncertainty decreases. The scientific novelty of the article is to systematize the results of research of various operational services and explore the possibilities of their integration into the professional activities of the National Police of Ukraine. The conclusions of the article are in the description of the directions of research to determine the stress factors of an extreme situation that affect the professional activities of police officers, as well as the gender characteristics of the decision-making process in a situation of uncertainty. Such work is a prerequisite for the development of a program and psychotechnology training aimed at improving the professional activities of female police officers in extreme conditions.


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Author Biography

N. Bilevych
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine;

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