Psychological Basics of Tactical Techniques Application
The purpose of article is to reveal the essence of tactical techniques and to distinguish the psychological basics of its application. Меthodology. Меthodological tools are selected with consideration of the aim defined, object specificity and research subject. General dialectic method of real phenomena study along with their relation to practices of pre-trial investigation bodies, prosecution and judiciary. Author also outlines special methods used in the research process: comparative-legal – analysis of legislation and scientific categories; historical-legal – interpretation of definitions «tactical technique», «psychological influence», scientific formulation of; systemic-structural – formulation of tasks to be solved in the course of tactical techniques application. Scientific novelty of the research stipulates accentuation of psychological mechanism of tactical techniques application during investigation, criminal offence prevention, criminal proceeding consideration in the court. Author offers classification of tactical techniques depending on the psychological influence focus chosen by persons responsible for criminal proceeding: tactical techniques used to ensure that investigators, prosecutors, judges keep with the optimal line of behavior in specific scenario; tactical techniques aimed to ensure supervision of procedural activities performance; tactical techniques aimed to control the procedural activity subjects as objects of tactical influence. Conclusions. Psychological mechanism of tactical techniques application stipulates: direct or indirect interaction between person responsible for the criminal proceeding and respondents; their psychological focus related to recreation of event that took place, updating the forgotten details, deception revelation, detection of concealed items/information; psychological effect of the techniques applied (connected with the need to receive correct testimony, detect traces of criminal offence). Application of tactical techniques is related to psychological influence on extended number of subject, presented in different forms in wide variety of investigative scenarios – conflict or non-conflict.
Keywords: criminal proceeding; criminalistics tactics; criminalistics; tactical technique; psychological influence; psychological contact.
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