Priority Directions of the Development of Polygraphic Activities in Ukraine
The activation of polygraph activity in Ukraine convincingly proves its importance in making specific decisions by a certain category of subjects, including in problematic life situations in which a person finds himself. Polygraph data provide collection of necessary information, which is practically impossible to obtain in any other way without using special tools, as well as appropriate methods and methods of psychophysiological influence on an individual in the process of conducting such a study. Evaluating the positive achievements in the development of domestic polygraphology, one cannot ignore its weaknesses, one of which is the legislative instability of the polygraph and related activities. This gap significantly inhibits the full and systematic implementation of the obtained results of studies conducted by polygraph specialists on the order of the initiating parties. The solution to this problem is real and depends not so much on the technical or organizational capabilities of preparing a separate legislative act, but on the political will of domestic parliamentarians, who do not see the feasibility of legalizing the polygraph and activities related to its comprehensive implementation. The purpose of this scientific article is to highlight and analyze the issues raised. Methodology. The research uses the general dialectical method of scientific knowledge of real phenomena related to the regulation of polygraph activity in Ukraine. Results obtained. The scientific opinion regarding the inadequacy of the regulatory legislation existing in our country, which regulates polygraph activity, is substantiated, which thereby creates a number of problems in the issue of the full use of the results of research conducted by specialists using the polygraph. The main positions and arguments of opponents of the polygraph, which are based on the problems of regulating polygraph activity in Ukraine, are outlined. The attention is focused on their inadequate validity of interpretations regarding the full and systematic implementation of this scientific and technical device and the results obtained with its help in certain areas of practical activity. Emphasis is placed on the biased statements of individual practitioners who defend their own position that polygraph tests and their results can take over the functions of basic factual data in making specific decisions by officials, including the collection and use of relevant evidence.
Keywords: polygraph; polygraph specialist; polygraph examination; legislative non-regulation of polygraph activity.
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