Legal Regulation Psychological Interaction Forms between the Investigator and the Prosecutor
Abstract. This paper considers the current legislative regulation of forms and methods of interaction between the investigator and the prosecutor during the investigation of criminal proceedings, in the context of the experience gained between the detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine and prosecutors of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office. Various scientific approaches to understanding the psychological aspects of "interaction" and their impact on the law, as well as the reflection in the practice of pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings are analyzed. The purpose of the study is to identify possible areas for improvement of criminal procedure legislation in matters of interaction between the investigator and the prosecutor during the pre-trial investigation, taking into account modern domestic legal and psychological doctrine. For the preparation of this work were used as general scientific method (deduction, induction, analogy, analysis, synthesis, abstraction and modeling), which highlighted the problematic issues of interaction between investigator and prosecutor at the pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings and special research methods. Among them are the following: historical; comparative, formal-logical, system-structural and functional methods. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that the author has improved the doctrinal understanding of the psychological aspects of the legislative regulation of the forms and methods of interaction of the investigator with the prosecutor. Taking into account the obtained scientific research, the author proposes to make changes to the provisions of the current Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, which relate to the definition of the concept of effectiveness of pre-trial investigation. The fundamental conclusions of the publication include the following: the criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine requires systemic changes in the ways of legal regulation of the process of interaction between the investigator and the prosecutor during the investigation of criminal proceedings and the implementation of prosecutorial supervision over such investigations in the form of procedural guidance. Given that the interaction between the investigator and the prosecutor is in fact the interaction of two individuals endowed with unique psychological qualities, the systemic and practically significant changes to the legal regulation of such interaction should take into account the achievements of legal and psychological doctrine of Ukraine. Currently available in the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine legal instruments to influence the behavior of the investigator or prosecutor, their adoption of certain procedural decisions, actions are significantly limited, and sometimes imperfect and formalized. All procedural tools for establishing legal and psychological interaction between the investigator and the prosecutor in the current legislation contain many factors that contribute to the deepening of only legal and psychological dissonance between these participants in the criminal process, and which need to be adjusted both at the doctrinal level and in everyday law enforcement
Keywords: interaction; pre-trial investigation; criminal proceedings; psychological dissonance; prosecutor; legal regulation; investigator
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