Social and Psychological Aspects of Illegal Behavior of a Serviceman


Abstract. The relevance of the research topic is due to several reasons that are of practical importance. First, the illegal behavior of a military official has the potential to significantly affect the functioning of military structures, which poses a direct threat to the defense and security functions of the state. Therefore, the study of the socio-psychological aspects of this behavior is of great practical importance for ensuring the discipline and efficiency of the military organization. Secondly, the widespread use of new technologies, changes in the social environment and other factors influence the emergence of new forms of illegal behavior among the military. Therefore, constant updating of knowledge about the socio-psychological aspects of this problem will help to develop more effective strategies for the prevention of criminal offenses in the military sphere of legal relations. The main purpose of this study is to analyze and reveal the socio-psychological aspects that influence the emergence and development of illegal behavior among military officials. This includes the study of factors affecting the formation of moral and ethical values in the military environment, as well as the identification of psychological mechanisms underlying the illegal actions of military officials. With this data, effective prevention strategies can be developed at the state level and psychological training of military personnel can be improved to ensure a high level of discipline, legality and compliance with legal norms in the military environment. The methodological basis of the research is the approach, which includes qualitative and quantitative research, which allows to collect and analyze data on socio-psychological factors and their influence on illegal behavior. Sociological and psychological analyses, which allow to investigate social and psychological mechanisms affecting the behavior of military personnel. Analysis of legal norms regulating military activity and discipline, as well as analysis of empirical observational data, which allow to understand the motivation of illegal activities of military officials. In addition to the above, the scientific novelty and practical significance of this article lies not only in the scientific aspect, but also in the understanding of the motives of a military official exceeding his official powers. Disclosure of these motives will help authorized officials to correctly assess the illegal actions of a military official, which, in turn, will contribute to the effective performance of the tasks of criminal proceedings.


Keywords: deviance; disorganization; criminal offense; motives; investigation; classification.


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Author Biography


Postgraduate Student of the Department of Forensics and Forensic Medicine
of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Kyiv, Ukraine


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