Interaction during the Investigation of Criminal Offenses Committed by Organized Criminal Groups under The Conditions of Martial Law: OrganizationalTactical and Psychological Aspects


Abstract. The article examines the issue of cooperation during the investigation of criminal offenses committed by organized criminal groups under martial law, in particular its organizational, tactical and psychological aspects. The purpose of the article is to study the organizational, tactical and psychological features of interaction during the investigation of criminal offenses committed by organized criminal groups under martial law. The empirical basis of the research was the results of the questionnaire of the investigative bodies of the pre-trial investigation. The content of the coverage of the issue of the organization of interaction during the investigation of criminal offenses committed by organized criminal groups in the conditions of martial law has been formed, through the coverage of its legal, organizational-management, tactical-forensic and psychological aspects. Several groups of regulatory and legal sources, which make up the legal basis of interaction in the context of the investigation of criminal offenses committed by organized criminal groups under martial law, are analyzed. It was established that the current legislation needs to be improved in terms of the normative definition of the concept of "interaction". It was determined that the main forms of interaction of the investigator with other law enforcement agencies are procedural (formal) regulated by the criminal procedural law and non-procedural (informal) forms. The main problems that arise between the investigator and operatives during the interaction during the investigation of criminal offenses committed by organized criminal groups under martial law are highlighted, and ways to solve them are proposed. The classification of other subjects with whom the investigator organizes interaction during the investigation of criminal offenses committed by organized criminal groups under martial law has been carried out. Psychological methods of organizing interaction during the investigation of such criminal offenses are singled out, including: establishing trust between the investigator and the subjects he involves; effective communication (the ability to listen, ask questions, show empathy and use the appropriate tone of communication); Flexibility and adaptability in interaction with various subjects; work on conflicts (the investigator must take measures to prevent and resolve conflicts, promote the search for compromise solutions.


Keywords: investigation method; interaction; organized criminal groups; investigator; operational units; tactical techniques; psychological techniques; martial law.


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Author Biographies

Myroslava SKRYNYK

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Legal Linguistics of the National Academy
of Internal Affairs
Kyiv, Ukraine


Postgraduate Student of the Department of Сriminalistics and Forensic Medicine
of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Kyiv, Ukraine


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