Directions of Psycho Prophylaxis of Minors Victimized Behavior

  • O. Romanenko Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Keywords: legal awareness, socialization, victimized behavior, biological age features, social-perceptual prediction, psycho prophylaxis work


The article is devoted to the consideration of psycho prophylaxis of minors victimized behavior. The state of studying of this problem in the national science is analyzed. It is noted that the content of victimization consists of three factors: the insecurity of the person on the part of the state, society and microenvironment from any criminal encroachments and the subjective inclination of a person to become a victim of a crime. Juveniles are the most affected category of people, due to the following factors: 1) the incomplete formation of a person in the biological plan, and therefore, the inability to resist a criminal offense; 2) the incompleteness of the formation of a person in a social plan, the consequence of which is the inability to adequately assess the situation, which leads to a greater probability of getting into a criminal situation as a victim of a crime. It is established that among the various factors of the formation of victimized behavior a significant role belongs to the biological age features, insufficiency of experience, increased dependence on the reference group, unfavorable conditions of family upbringing. Categories of persons with a predisposition to victim behavior are described. The factors of adolescent’s socialization as a result of education in pseudo wealthy families characterized by undeniable domination of one of the parents, the presence of violent interactions among family members, the use of violence and physical punishment as the main methods of upbringing are determined. The directions of psycho-prophylactic work with minors are outlined: formation of legal consciousness in the process of socialization of a child, development of the ability to social-perceptual prediction, formation of behavioral strategies in dangerous situations. Psycho prophylaxis of victimized behavior of minors should be complex and cover the cognitive component (providing the necessary knowledge about reality), emotional (formation of the appropriate attitude towards it) and behavioral (prevention of victimization and consolidation of socially desirable behavior). Since the risk of victimized behavior reaches a peak in adolescence, the importance of psycho prophylaxis measures in the presensitive period is of great importance, while factors that are negative for the development of the person are not fixed as leading.


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Author Biography

O. Romanenko
Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine;

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Applied problems legal psychology